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PhoneFaith is an outreach ministry for adults who are blind or low vision. Daily PhoneFaith dial-in presentations strive to inform, encourage, and inspire the mind, body, and spirit through mental health and wellness sessions, social meet-and-greet interactions, Bible games, prayer time, and more.
Here are some of the resources you’ll find in Lib.Guide: Bibles, Bible lessons, Full-Vision books for parents and children, more than 1,600 engaging and inspiring books, including the most recent releases, plus magazines in various formats.
Christian Record Services covers the cost for room, board, and activities for campers who are blind for a fun getaway in a beautiful summer camp setting.
If you want to know more about the story of Jesus and His life, then reading the Bible is a great place to start. We can get you started and guide you through an assortment of lessons.
The Anne Lowe Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate college students who meet certain criteria. The application process begins in early winter and winners are generally announced by summer.
Full-Vision Books are children's stories that contain pictures, text, braille, and audio for a complete, immersive experience for both parents and children to enjoy together. Zoo Buds, three soft plush animals offered by Christian Record Services, Inc., share music and Bible stories with children ages three through nine.
The Christian Record Services Member Services Team has assembled a special collection of audiobooks about courage and strength in the face of adversity.