To become a member, a person must be classified legally blind.
According to the American Foundation for the Blind, "Legal blindness is a level of vision loss that has been legally defined to determine eligibility for benefits. The clinical diagnosis refers to a central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with the best possible correction, and/or a visual field of 20 degrees or less. Often, people who are diagnosed with legal blindness still have some useable vision."
How to Become a Member
Read through all steps before following them.
1. Go to Lib.Guide.
2. Click "Register" in the top right corner.
3. Enter your contact information.
4. Click Add Attachments and/or Save button.
5. Click browse to find verification of visual impairment document on your computer. If you do not have one to submit, go to the next step.
6. Click Finish.
Your application will be processed within two Christian Record Services business days.