Emerging technology has been a part of Christian Record Services since its start in 1899, from a braille press to producing recordings on vinyl records to cassette tapes, digital cartridges and mp3 files. With smartphones so prevalent, and an essential tool for many people who are blind, it’s only natural the organization would develop an app as a new way to share uplifting content.
The Liberty Link app by Softlink International can be found on Google Play and Apple. Christian Record Services members can listen to audio books, download DAISY and BRF files (proprietary formats for audio and braille), request books from the library to be sent in the mail, read large print books online, and have audio programs pushed to their email accounts.
Currently, more than 650 audio books are available through the app, with more than 75 members accessing the library features, including the ability to request more than 1,500 titles available through the library. Christian Record Services has worked with Softlink, the parent company of Liberty Link, to develop key features which improve accessibility, and anticipates the usage of the app will continue to increase.
Each year, Christian Record Services impacts thousands of lives through services provided to them without cost. All people who are legally blind or have physical impairment that prevents them from holding reading material or focusing on ink print are eligible for free services. For more information, please visit https://christianrecord.org/member-services/.