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The Shortest and Best Week of Her Life

We just had to share this letter from a mother whose daughter received a scholarship to National Camps for Blind Children, and the ways it changed her life:

My daughter Cathy heard about your camps. We were living in Santa Barbara, CA, and the camp was located in Yosemite National Park. At only nine years of age, I thought Cathy was too young to go. However, she was insistent. My husband suggested we camp at Yosemite while she attended camp, which is what we did.

I went to the camp on visiting day and learned Cathy was out on the water, learning to waterski! Camp leaders assured me she was having a great time, participating in all the activities, and thoroughly enjoying herself. At the end of the week, Cathy was all smiles and said it had been the shortest and best week of her life. She attended every year after that until she graduated from high school.

Cathy’s camp experience and the people involved boosted her confidence so much that she joined a swim team when she was 11. She continued to swim on her high school team and through her first year of college. She won numerous awards, including a medal at the Paralympics!

She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees and even completed her doctorate. I want to thank you for helping my daughter know that she is just like everyone else.

Cathy’s story is just one of hundreds we’ve heard over the years—and we rejoice with each life that God has transformed!